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Howard Civil Engineering is a civil engineering consultation firm that specializes in the design and permitting of Land Development and Infrastructure projects. Founded in 2005 by Trevor Howard, a Professional Civil Engineer, Howard Civil Engineering has successfully completed many commercial, residential and government projects. Our experience is global: we have designed and engineered projects throughout the Southeastern United States, as well as in Central America and Africa.
The model of our business is a civil engineering rendition of the Four Pillars of Wisdom:
Pillar 1 – Thorough Needs Assessment
To meet the client’s financial and aesthetic requirements, we design a project that is cost-effective and functional. We also leverage the latest technological innovations to achieve your various objectives.
Pillar 2 – Adept Permitting Oversight
Having worked in both the public and private sectors, we understand the importance of government coordination. We meet with the regulatory staff before the project kicks off; discuss and obtain in writing their requirements; and maintain a good working relationship throughout the project.
Pillar 3 – Good Team Coordination
A successful project takes a team effort, and we pride ourselves on our collaboration. We strive for and maintain good communication between all players during the approval and construction phases.
Pillar 4 – Fast Service Delivery
We enjoy our work. It’s creative and challenging, and it’s our passion – a way to meaningfully practice our core areas of expertise. We have been known to permit and approve projects faster than most.